20 Years of Excellence

317 Ryders MC


20 Years of Excellence!

70’s babies will remember a superhero granted a red suit and super powers from alien beings from out space.

With a heart of gold, this mild mannered school teacher clumsily flew through the air stopping bad guys and solving problems for people in the community.

Today in celebration of 20 Years of 317 Ryders MC excellence I reveal the secret identity of a Lifetime Member of the club and old school anchor Timothy Hill aka Hitman as none other than the superhero The Greatesr American Hero!

Hitman has been a member of 317 Ryders MC for over 15 years. A leader without the leadership position. He does not need the title. He shows up and speaks out when he is concerned about club actions that he does not like. His opinions matter and have made a difference in the direction of the club.

Eye glasses on and big smile, Hitman is known best for the following phrase “Let me get a glass of that.” Not an alcoholic, but he enjoys a drink, or two or three. He will bring a bottle to a pitch in…drink some of it while he is there…and take the rest of the bottle home with him when he leaves! Lol.

Like The Great American Hero, Tim Hill is mild mannered. An IT professional, Tim Hill is very smart. He loves to ride around town and has had a few sportbikes. If he forgets to wear his glasses when he rides his motorcycle he looks Like the Greatest American Hero attempting to fly. They both crash land! 

I love loyalty. Men and women that you can count on to be there through the good and bad times. That is Hitman. That is what makes him my Greatest American Hero. That is why I love him. 

317 Ryders MC has thrived for 20 years because mild mannered men like Hitman have been the superhero’s in the back of the room, in the back of the ride and in the back of the party. 317 Ryders excellence relies on mild mannered men like Tim Hill having its leaders backs.

He has rode a motorcycle across Europe.

In one trip.





He has rode a motorcycle through Canada.

He has rode a motorcycle through deserts in Nevada and sandy beaches in Florida.

He has rode the 318 turns in 11 miles of the Tail of the Dragon and the straight shores of the Gulf. 

You name it. He rode it or will ride it.

With dark shades and a big smile.


Today in celebration of 20 years of 317 Ryders MC excellence I reveal the secret identity of a 317 Road Captain and international motorcycle legend Ramone Pandarider Reyes aka Mello’s is none other than the international superhero Kung Fu Panda.

When you watch the Kung Fu Panda movie the thing that touches you the most is how loyal and dedicated he is to his friends. When the Panda trains and fights alone he is ok. But when he trains and fights with his friends he is a fearless warrior with undefeatable super powers. His inner joy of fighting along side his close friends empowers him to be more and do more than anyone could ever imagine. That is what is great about the Kung Fu Panda. That is what is great about Mello.

Mello represents the fearlessness of 317 Ryders MC members when real rider friends come together. When we are all on the road together you can see it in his big smile. You can see the twinkle in his eyes. But most of all you can hear it in the roar of his engine as he excitedly turns the throttle to the max begging and willing us all to ride harder. 

Speed demon. Yes. Hell yes!

Best friends with Terrell Gentry aka The Flash they have torn up the highway together for decades.

1/3rd of the 317 Ryders MC International Riding super friends of Juanita Mystique Law and Harold Anderson aka Subzero aka The Winter Soldier. They have rode motorcycles across the World proudly wearing the 317 Patch and representing the brand.

Mello is part of the 317 Ryders MC Legion of Two Bike Owners. A Harley Davidson Road Glide and a ZX14 (aptly named Panda). 

Mello is a dedicated wonderful father and son. He is a leader of teams on his bike and at his job. When he is with you, he quietly and calmly makes you better. He is supportive. He is encouraging. He pushes you to do better while pushing himself as well. Like the Kung Fu Panda, when you are fighting along side of him in any situation no matter how dire the circumstances, as his brother and friend you know that you are going to win in the end. As long as we ride together with Mello, we will all be ok. 

He is a crafty financial investor in the stock market and has encouraged and taught others how to make money. 

As President, I love and adore Mello because of his fearlessness. But one year if almost cost us our friendship. Do you know how a street dog wildly chases cars in the neighborhood when they speed by? Mello does that on his ZX14. Corvette speeds by the pack. Off goes Mello racing after it. Mustang roars by the formation. Mello hits the gas and takes off racing it recklessly on the highway. Well for some reason, my wife Mocha Lisa McMillian aka Wonder Woman gets inspired by Mello’s bad example and starts to race with him every time they see a sports car pass by on a ride. Camaro passes us. I see Mello fly by. I see Mocha flying behind him. The two of them leaning and weaving through traffic at top speed like two Jaguars chasing down an antelope. They did it in Key West and I don’t think I have ever been more pissed on a motorcycle in my life. I am yelling and screaming through my helmet Bluetooth for them to stop before they get killed. The love of my life is risking my biggest investment (her) to race with a driver with four doors, endless horsepower and no respect for two unpredictable bikers. When we finally caught them…what do I do? Lol. I take off and try to leave them lost on the side of the road. But what does Mello do, get fearlessly excited that now his Vice President, brother and friend is ready to really ride fast! He smiles that big smile, activates his fearless riding with my friends superpower and takes off with me keeping up every mile of the way no matter how fast I went.

And yes, Mocha kept up too! Lol.

Pissed me off even more.

But that is why I love adore Mello.

Well now Mello is about to become a husband to his supermodel gorgeous fiancée. See attached pictures. Told you the man was a smart and cool dude. I can’t wait until she rides so that I can take off with her and listen to him scream as I risk it all on two wheels leading her on a winner take all car chase! Lol.

For 20 Years when you being members of 317 Ryders MC together we ride with a fearlessness that is powered by our incontainable joy at seeing one another and being together. No one represents that fearlessness more than Mello.

I want everyone reading this post to give me their answer to an age old superhero question.

Who would win a foot race between The Flash and Superman?

Today in celebration of 20 Years of 317 Ryders MC excellence I will reveal the identity of the undisputed fastest motorcycle rider in 317 history (and we have had some pure speed demons in our history let me tell you) Terrell Gentry aka The Hot Boy is none other than the superhero The Flash!

The Hot Boy has been a motorcycle superhero to me since the first day I met him. The larger than life tales of the Hot Boy’s wild exploits on the streets of Indianapolis always preceded him.  You wanted to meet him. You wanted to see him. The sorties could not be true. No mere mortal man could or would do what they said Hot Boy did on bike. It was if he was a Greek Motorcycle God granted with the gift of speed ….blinding, reckless, unbelievable, speed. 

One day, early in my motorcycle journey I was riding on the highway in a pack. I was focused on holding my line and keeping pace with the 100 mph that we were all traveling. I felt a blast of wind so strong that it pushed my bike. Then I heard the exhaust. Like seeing lightning then hearing the delayed thunder. I looked up through my visor and saw that I was actually doing 120 mph and whatever, whomever that was just passed me as if I was standing still. He was approaching a semi truck tractor trailer. 

Now the next part you are not going to believe (I could not believe it and I saw it with my own two eyes), but it happened … like so many other stories about The Hot Boy … it really happened, no exaggeration. 

Like the movie the Fast and the Furious, Hot Boy, the Flash rode down the side of the semi tractor trailer banging his fist down the side of it and then at full speed…dipped under the trailer and came out on the other side….



Crazy as Fuck.

He could have died.

Yes .. The Hot Boy has heard it all before.

But he is and forever will be The Hot Boy!

A street racing and drag strip legend, the Hot Boy has been crowned several times officially as the fastest man on a motorcycle in the Midwest. 

What drives him to take unnecessary risk? Glory. Money. Pride. Reputation. Boredom. Attention Deficit Disorder!

Most of the time the reason is simple …

The Hot Boy does it because he can.

Why the Flash!

Because the Hot Boy is fast. Extremely fucking fast. Mean fast. I once watched him ride the wrong way against traffic for two miles to win a street race. I have watched him race on sidewalks. I have watched him blaze competitors on a quarter mile. 

But today, as President and a man, the speed is not what impresses me about The Hot Boy! The Hot Boy is my superhero today because of his heroic actions during the Covid 19 pandemic as a Nurse. He traveled to New York City, by choice, at the very height of the pandemic and fearlessly treated Covid patients. 



Crazy as Fuck

He could have died.

Yes…The Hot Boy has heard it all before.

But he is and forever will be The Hot Boy!

A strong loving father and husband with a beautiful family.

A mechanic that can tear down and rebuild his own bike.

Conservative Christian Republican. 

Mr. Myrtle Beach.

Mr. Miami.

The ladies love and adore The Hot Boy.

I love and adore The Hot Boy.

Everyone loves and adores The Hot Boy.

He now rides one of the baddest big wheel bagger Harley Davidson Road Glides in the City. He has slowed down a little bit and is a lot less reckless. The racing happens on the track and not the street. I think that as a superhero Dad, The Hot Boy has realized that life and longevity is much more precious than speed and glory. It happens to all old ex speed demons at some point. 

The Hot Boy wears his 317 Ryders MC vest like a superhero logo. When he shows up on the set or touches down for a ride, I feel just like a little kid when his comic superhero The Flash shows up out of thin air stops in front of him and smiles. 

One more Hot Boy story that I must share. There is a video on YouTube of the moment that the fastest man on two wheels actually getting pulled over on his Hayabusa by a bicycle cop….yes a bicycle cop. Hilarious!

20 years of 317 Ryders MC excellence. We are known for speed. For nearly 20 Years, The King of Speed for 317 has been the Hot Boy!

A woman on a mission.

That mission is to ride.

Her favorite phrase “I wanna ride my bike.”

Her first sentence as a child may have been “I wanna ride my bike.”

Day or night “I wanna ride my bike.”

Sun or rain “I wanna ride my bike.”

Alone, with the club or her kids “I wanna ride my bike.”

Get it…got it…good.

Let’s ride.

Today in celebration of 20 years of 317 Ryders MC excellence I reveal the secret identity of another cherished member of the 317 Ryders MC leadership team our Event Coordinator and Deputy Road Captain Kimberly Dennis aka All Out’s real superhero identity is Bat Girl. 

Why Bat Girl?

All Out is ridiculously resourceful. Her proverbial bat belt is full of tools to get any and every job done. With an extremely positive can do attitude and an endlessly optimistic viewpoint on life, nothing is impossible for All Out. There is a solution for every problem if you are willing to work your way through it. For All Out where there is a will there is a a way!

As Event Coordinator, All Out is on it! She takes great pride in her position and responsibilities for the club. She willing takes on every club project with an innate desire to prove that she can get the job done.  She has an insatiable taste for success.

A loving mother and grandmother, All Out is an amazing iron anchor to her family. There is nothing she would not do for and with her kids and grandkids. She is the love and soulmate of our Head Road Captain Donnie Hale aka Ghost aka the Ghost Rider. A woman that loves to ride as much as All Out needs to be coupled forever with an ace motorcycle mechanic so that she can stay on her true mission…riding!

All Out joined 317 Ryders MC because she loves to ride. Her Harley or her Sportbike. It does not matter. Her superhero energy comes from that bike and her love for the outdoors and open road. 

The mountains of Gatlinburg are her peaceful sanctuary! The trees. The lakes. The hills. Especially the 318 turns in 11 miles known as the Tail of the Dragon. The ability to enjoy a good smoke in the woods with Ghost. Her love for Gatlinburg always leads me to plan another trip back. Her joy and excitement is infectious. It’s the event that I want to coordinate every year for her. 

As President, I believe the most significant contribution that All Out has made to 317 Ryders MC thus far actually happened on the water and not the road. As a Probate, All Out planned the first 317 Ryders MC Club family canoe trip in Canoe Indiana. All Out is the 317 Ryders MC Bat Girl of River and Streams! EVERYONE HAD A BLAST! It is now an annual tradition. Rowing, tipping over. Battleship like water gun fights! Stops in the river to splash and swim. Great grandparents to great grand children everyone loves the day in the canoes. But let’s be clear…All Out still wants to ride to and from the river on her motorcycle. Ain’t a damn thang changed!

I love and adore All Out. I love workers. I love people with resources, creativity and a commitment to succeed. That “we can do it” attitude. That “it’s not that hard” mentality. That “I will take care of it” character. It is the All Out type of leader in the motorcycle club that makes it easier for everyone that wants to ride to actually spend time riding because guess what … PREZ WANTS TO RIDE TO! 

Thankfully, because I have All Out on my 317 Ryders MC Superhero Team, we all get to ride … and canoe ….a lot together!

20 Years of 317 Ryders MC excellence. The members and the stories just keep getting better and better with age like a fine wine! And yes…at core…we are still a club because all of us still wants to ride as much as All Out!

My marriage was in big trouble.

More trouble than I knew or realized at the time.

I was the Vice President of 317 Ryders MC.

317 was my demanding side piece and my then wife now ex wife (who also was a rider and member of 317) was fed up and gave the “club or me ultimatum.”

Many M/C members have received that ultimatum.

I choose my wife and family.

I resigned from my position as Vice President and quit the club in an attempt to save my home.

It did not work. 

Saddest and most painful moment in my life. 

I later returned to the club and at the first club meeting felt the deep pain of having walked away from something that I loved so dearly and had sacrificed so much to help build.

We were in a park.

I wandered off to a field and sat silently and wept aloud at everything I was going through. 

And then she appeared. She sat down next to me. Like the 317 Ryders MC heavenly motherly angel she is and said these words to me.

“Tac, I know you love this club and we love you. It’s going to be alright. You were a great Vice President and you will be a great Vice President again. We need you just as much as you need us. Now you pick yourself up out of this damn grass and go be the man that you are for yourself, your kids and this club!”

Today, in celebration of 20 years of 317 Ryders MC excellence we celebrate and honor the treasurer of the woman we loving refer to as the 317 “Mother of the Church” Laverne Perkins aka Missy P’s superhero identity is truly Okoye!

Okoye is the General of the Army of Wakanda and the personal protector of the King of Wakanda the Black Panther. She is a fierce warrior and brilliant strategist. Beautiful and deadly. A strong woman that don’t take no shit from no one. All superhero characteristics embodied in Missy P. 

Missy P is a lifetime member of 317 Ryders MC. Over 15 years in the club. Her recently deceased brother Gerald Perk Perkins and her niece Nikki Harris aka Hot Shot are also outstanding members and leaders of the club. Missy P is the voice of common sense in the club. She is the steady hand that despite whatever struggles or challenges are going on in her life, she is there for the members of the club and particularly for the leadership of the club.

As a Founder, President or Vice President when you are lost and can’t find your way. You feel like you failed. You don’t know what do next. You call Missy P. You go eat Missy P’s food. She will listen. She will love. You will rise. Stronger. Wiser. Encouraged. Uplifted. Confident. Ready to fight. Ready to lead.

Missy P is a down home gem. Life is not complicated for her. It is what it is. 

Sometimes the answer to your difficult question might be “Tac, the bitch is crazy!” 

Sometimes the words you need to hear are “Who cares, you are the President, Fuck them!” 

Sometimes what you need most is to eat some delicious Mexican Corn. 

And as every President of a Coed Motorcycle Club will tell you, we all need that one maternal female voice in the club that has lived enough years, rode her bike enough miles, managed enough drama in the club that when she speaks every woman…and man in the club … no matter who you are and what title you hold … immediately shuts up and listens. That is Missy P, the 317 Ryders MC Okoye, our mother, our warrior and our protector.

Missy P is loyal, dedicated and committed to the people that she cares for and loves.

At one point and time she used to annually cook the entire meal for the club Anniversary Dinner and that was when we had over 100 members. 

When I came in the club, one of her favorite trips was the club camping trip in Ohio. She loves her children and grandchildren and everyone else’s children and grandchildren and watching them run and play in the woods filled her heart with joy. We would be dying from the heat and she would be laughing, smiling and lovingly chasing kids. She would cook the best food in the World for the entire campsite. The outdoors and sunshine is her extremely happy place.

Missy P sets the high standards for the club and specifically what the women in the club should aspire to be and how they should aspire to carry themselves. Have fun but do it with dignity. Remember where you come from and who you are at all times. Missy P is my mother Marjorie Haynes McMillian’s closest friends in the club. They see life through the same lense. 

You take care of your responsibilities. You do what you say you are going to do. You call on your inner strength and God’s word to carry on through every struggle. Thankfully, Missy P’s character is the foundation for the character of 317 Ryders MC.

To be blunt, you can’t have a Missy P as a member for over 15 years and be nothing less than your best self. She is not going to stand for it. She is going to say something. She is going to do something. And what Missy P wants, every President of 317 Ryders MC knows, Missy P gets. 

I love and adore Missy P. That speech she gave me in the grass on that day burns forever in my heart and mind. I felt the strong and firm endorsement of the mother of the club. I felt her appreciation. I felt her hand on my soul. I saw her expectations of me as a leader in her eyes. I knew I could never let her down. I felt her love. Her love is the club’s love. Leaders need that. Club’s need that. I need that.

20 Years of 317 Ryders MC excellence would not be possible without the common sense guiding wisdom of our Mother of our Church, our Okoye…Missy P.

Some riders always seem like they are searching for something when they hit the road.

No matter the destination their souls intertwine with the trip.

They are rugged.




Bikers hand crafted by God to go where no man is gone before and to do what no man has done before. 

But do it better.

Why do they go?

What are they looking for?

What do they expect to find?


Today in celebration of 20 years of 317 Ryders MC excellence I will reveal the secret identity of the man in 317 Ryders that week after week searches and finds ADVENTURE. CJ FI Petty aka Fuck It’s superhero identity is none other than Indiana Jones!

Whether on one of his many sportbikes (1000, Hayabusa and a ZX14) or on his now prize possession his Harley Davidson Road Glide, Fuck It is a biker through and through. A renegade that walks the walk and talks the talk. He lives to challenge authority. He questions the motivation of leadership. He rebels against what he believes are the unnecessary collar constraints of process and order. He rides his own ride. He makes his own path. Ask him why? His response. Fuck It.

A befitting name for my club brother that lives and owns every single mile of his amazing life. He is a loving husband to his beautiful wife Abby Petty and an incredible father and grandfather. He is a tremendous mechanic. He is an entrepreneur that has gone from owning and operating his own automotive shop to now owning and operating his own trucking and logistics company. 

Extremely smart.

Very funny.

Great person to talk to and chop it up with on any day.

The man you want to have a beer with and smoke with on any day.

He has the voice.

He has the walk.

He has the look.

He has the smile.

317 Ryders MC Vest…no shirt and bare chest underneath!

That all say…..

Fuck It…let’s ride.

Fuck It is a man of solid character and heart. He is a man of his word. His honor is carved out of diamonds. His heart is made of platinum. His soul is emblazoned in gold. His hard look demeanor and gruff attitude barely covers his kind, friendly, helpful true self. He is “Fuck It” but he is not “Fuck You!” Not at all. Not even close. 

Fuck It’s greatest superpower…a master of disguise. The World’s most lovable man hiding out in the open as the World’s Biggest asshole. 

Fuck it has dropped everything in the middle of the day to drive his truck to tow unknown bikers that broke down on the highway passing through Indiana. When I had my wreck and totaled my bike an hour outside of Indianapolis, Fuck It came quickly to check on me and get my bike. He wrote the estimate for the damage that resulted in me immediately getting an insurance check and a new bike. An insurance check for more than amount of the bike when I purchased it brand new from the dealership. I told you Fuck It is extremely smart. 

He always comes. He always helps. He always cares. But Fuck It…

In 2022, like Indiana Jones, Fuck It went on a mission to travel the United States on his in search of adventure and treasure. There is no where he will not go (except perhaps Alaska, but I am not counting that out yet). He received the coveted 317 Ryders MC Male Ground Pounder of the Year Award for having the most miles of any man in the club. He won by a landslide. No one was even close. 

Fuck It retired from the club in 2020. He put in his ten years. After his retirement, we had a breakfast one on one conversation in Tampa. Club President to Club Renegade. It was one of the most moving conversations that I have ever had with another member. During our talk, Fuck It candidly revealed to me how much 317 Ryders MC meant to him throughout the years. The friends and brothers that he developed. The best times of his life. The family that he felt the club had become for him. He openly talked about his commitment to the club and his love for everything that we stand for. Needless to say I was shocked. I was blown away. I was not expecting this at all from the proverbial “man in the back of the club meeting room holding the big ‘Trust No One’ sign!” Fuck It told me that when it came to 317 Ryders MC, he actually Loved It and he was going to resedicate himself to giving back to the club all that it had given to him over the years.

The man that once proclaimed me to be a leader of “The 317 Ryders MC Leadership Illuminati.” The man who refuses to ride in an organized ride formation. The man that if the leadership says go left then the real fun must be right. Fuck It …cares about this Club. Perhaps as much or more than any other member that has worn the patch.

He has humbled himself solely in the name of the club to avoid potentially dangerous situations with worthless assholes. 

He has donated time and money to other members of the club to help them in their time of need.

He has torn up bikes and rebuilt them himself. He can’t be stopped from doing what he loves. He can’t be deterred from his tireless search for adventure. Any problem or challenge that he has ever faced his response is the same…Fuck It!

He has traveled from clubhouse to clubhouse, bar to bar, parking lot to parking lot extending a handshake and beer in the name of 317 Ryders MC love. An amazingly positive representative of the club wherever he puts his kickstand down. 

As President, I love and adore Fuck It. Political leaders always secretly love the leaders of the rebellion. They drive us crazy but they are necessary to keep us honest and in check. They make us question the validity of the rules that we create. They are the check and balance on our integrity. They properly and respectfully force us to explain the legitimacy of our actions. You can’t lead a motorcycle club without being able to answer the questions of a member that ask “Why” or be able to manage a member that says “Fuck It.”

Indiana Jones went on adventures in search of hidden treasurer.

Fuck It found his treasurer in 317 Ryders MC.

For 20 Years 317 Ryders MC has taken its members on rides. Every single one of those rides has been an adventure. But no ride and search for adventure in 317 Ryders MC is complete unless you are accompanied by Fuck It.

Like father like son.

Today in celebration of 20 Years of 317 Ryders MC excellence we honor the father of Arnell King aka Lil Swoll aka Deadpool!  A long time member of the club, this brother is a Hayabusa drag racer and Harley Davidson Street Glide rider.  He loves the quarter mile and the open road.  If he is present on a long haul he is typically riding upright and proud right by my side.  Our music on Harley’s competing with each other as we travel down the road.  It is at that moment that Arnell King aka Big Nell aka Gorilla Pimping’s secret superhero identity is revealed as King Kong!

Big Nell is a very fun guy.

He simply likes to have fun.

Ride his motorcycle.

Crack jokes.

Eat good food.

Have good conversation with his brothers and sisters on the road.

Sit on the side of his seat on his bike.

Watch fine women walk by.

Talk shit.

Get a good nights sleep.

Take a shit.

Eat breakfast.

Ride home.

Every biker is NOT a fun guy.

Big Nell is a very fun guy.

He is not the angry growling captured King Kong in New York City.  No.  On the Motorcycle Set, Big Nell is the calm, happy, roaming free King Kong on Skull Island.  Peacefully enjoying his favorite meal…sushi.  On the highway,  Big Nell makes us all laugh with his favorite joke…temporarily going missing at the gas stop or restaurant ……then all of a sudden we all have a picture pop up on our timeline on our phones at the same time of Big Nell …. sitting happily on the toilet in the restroom….taking a shit.

If the image of King Kong taking a shit after a long stretch run did not make you laugh just now then you have a real problem.

That is Big Nell’s superpower.  He is a hardworking man that puts in a lot of hours.  He has a lot of kids!  He has a mythological astronomical number of kids!  And now thanks to Lil Swoll he has a lot of grandchildren.  A mythological astronomical number of grand children.  But when he is with the club and on his bike, no matter what pressure he is under, no matter hard hard he has worked to try to take care of all of those kids, Big Nell is happy, joking, laughing and having a good time.  He is a very fun guy!

Big Nell’s arch motorcycle nemesis believe it or not is fellow club brother James Larkins aka Shrek Dogg.  King Kong vs Shrek and their now infamous Hayabusa rolling start highway drag races are now 317 Ryders MC legendary history.  Each one with its own after race video chronicling the result and ….damage.  No one is more determined to build, race and if necessary blow up an engine to beat Shrek than Big Nell.  No one!  My wife Mocha Lisa McMillian aka Wonder Woman and I once rode behind the these two superhero’s, watching them do battle racing 8 times in a row until BOOM…..we were covered in oil and smoke from Big Nell’s. engine blowing up!  We came to a stop at the next highway exit.  There was the “Another Day in the Life of 317 Ryders MC Interview Video” that Shrek made famous and even with his beloved bike in ruins and Shrek talking hella shit, Big Nell was still smiling, laughing and joking at himself… frustrated yes …. but happy even in defeat.  A very fun guy at the worst moment for a biker.


Because on that day he was King Kong and he was free to do it.

Free to race.

Free to blow up his bike if that is what King Kong wanted to do.

If you don’t understand what you just read then you don’t understand what it means to be a biker.

The ability to always appreciate and enjoy his freedom as a biker is what makes Big Nell a very fun guy.

As President, that is why I love Big Nell.  I always get excited when I see that street glide pull up next to me on the highway.  I know he is going to push the ride faster than what other people want to go.  He is going to get the other HD’s all excited that it’s time to run em!  I am going to look over my shoulder at Big Nell riding, smiling and laughing and think should I ask him to slow down????


You don’t ask King Kong to slow down!  I smile.  I laugh.  I turn that throttle.  I hit it.  I enjoy the ability to RIDE FREE with King Kong on Skull Island.   When King Kong wants to run then the rest of us just have to hit it, keep up and follow.

The World becomes a beautiful place.  All of my stress blows away behind me in the wind.  In that moment my brother, Big Nell is using his greatest superpower. 

Not sure if there is a name for it ….

He would call it “Fuck it Tac let’s ride!”

It is perhaps one of the best and most powerful superpowers that any biker can share with their brother and sister and ….. President.  I love him dearly for it.

Early in the morning or late at night when he gets off of a hard days work, Big Nell is riding.  He is a humble throw back biker that will work and repair his own bike if he has too.   Grateful.  Alas…now retired from the club. 

Big Nell is loyal and dedicated to 317 Ryders MC.  Even in retirement, I know that King Kong will be there when the 2022 riding season kicks in.  He will ride next to me on the highway to everywhere.  Smiling, laughing, music banging.  He is going to hit that throttle again.  I need him to hit that throttle again.  Then I am going to hit that throttle again. 



That is why we ride.


Today in celebration of 20 Years of 317 Ryders MC and the excellent feeling of freedom, let’s all look to the sky, pound our chest, smile, laugh and enjoy the greatness of Big Nell. A very fun guy…the type of men and women that 317 Ryders MC’s illustrious history is built on!

So many motorcycle club members are also over the road truckers by profession.

In the M/C Sportbike Era, as a new rider and a lawyer I use to wonder “How in the hell do these truckers ride their sportbikes like that and manage to keep their CDL?”

As a lawyer in a motorcycle club, I soon found out the answer to that question…they call me when they get the speeding ticket!  Lol!

Today in celebration of 317 Ryders MC’s 20 Years of excellence I pay homage and respect to a bonafide 317 Lifetime Member and former 317 Public Relations Officer Erwin BigE Davis by revealing his superhero identity as the night stalker and vampire slayer Blade.

“Everyone knows Big E!”

That was one of the first things the old heads would tell you when you joined 317.   Before  “ground pounding” and “state sign picture taking” became a publicized culture in the MC world,  Big E was traveling up and down the highway on his sportbikes loaded with saddle bags and luggage collecting thousands upon thousands of miles and building hundreds upon hundreds of relationships.   

A quiet soft spoken, solo dip off and meet you there type of rider, Big E traversed the United States attending the biggest and best MC events.  His tales of the great men and women that he met on those solo rides to far off lands motivated the rest of club to follow on the next trip.  Big E was one of the original members of the club that connected with the PRO Convention team, an event that 317 Ryders MC has supported in large numbers for over 15 years and will do so again in Greensboro, North Carolina in January 2022.   Big E was one of the original members of the club that supported the Black Tigers MC pajama party in Baltimore, MD.  Big E was one the original members of the club that supported DC Sportbike Riders and the QTs.  If you met someone in Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Alabama and you had your 317 Ryders MC vest on the first question they would ask you is “Do you know Big E?”

Why Blade?

Big E was absolutely notorious for going into an extreme demon like party mode where he literally looked like a vampire with eyes and teeth (see attached pictures for reference). 

I KNOW FOR A FACT that there are numerous women on the MC set that have a vampire man fetish and Big E was there, front and center to meet and fulfill their burning passions and desires. As an added superhero ability, Big E can consistently tie a cherry stem into a knot with his tongue in less than ten seconds.  Now that’s a superpower every man should have!

Big E is a hard working truck driver.  He is a loving father and grandfather.  It was the love of his grand baby and his commitment to help his daughter that ultimately pulled Big E off the saddle of his ZX14 on weekends.  The 317 Ryders MC leader that was rarely ever at an actual 317 club meeting because he was always on a ride coming back from an MC event finally retired and found a much better and lovable excuse to miss those meetings…his grand diva! Perhaps that is why we don’t see the eyes and fangs anymore…he does not want to scare the poor little girl to death!

Big E and our former President Juan Djwhip Pyle aka Captain America were extremely close.  They traveled together and built connections on behalf of 317 Ryders MC together.  I know that Whip’s  sudden death left a hole in Big E’s life.  We all served Whip and the club in different ways.  Big E was Whip’s loyal knight, that slew dragons, ate meals and drank hearty in foreign lands and then rode home on his iron steed to tell us all about it. To inspire us.  To motivate us. 

To be a Lifetime Member of 317 Ryders MC you have to pay your dues for 15 years.  You have to sell your tickets, attend the mandatories, attend the meetings, work the events and be actively engaged in the club for 15 years. Then you earn the title of Lifetime Member with full 317 Ryders MC benefits for the rest of your life.  Very few people can say that they have been active dues paying members of the same Motorcycle Club for over 15 years.  Today everyone wants to start their own club or jump to a different club or ride solo!   But Big E showed us all the plain and simple beauty of being dedicated to enjoying his brothers and sisters and his love for traveling on a motorcycle in one club during his lifetime, 317 Ryders MC!

As President,  I love and respect Big E.  I wanted to be him.  I wanted to ride into a city or an event and everyone know who I am, even if I did not have my vest on.  I wanted my name and reputation to be a living passport for other members of 317 Ryders MC to travel and get VIP access treatment and love from other members of other MCs and SCs.  I wanted “Do you know Big E?”  to one day be “Do you know Tic Tac?”  Big E worked for that.  He rode in the sun and rain, in the searing heat and freezing cold.  He pushed the limits and yes … risked his CDL.  One of my fondest memories was going to court with Big E as his lawyer in defense of a speeding ticket.  I was secretly praying inside that he would not actually show up to Court as Blade with the eyes and teeth.

Big E motivated and inspired me as a 317 Ryder to put in my vest and ride my bike and see what and who is out there in other cities. 

A tasty cigar lit, a delicious bourbon street hand grenade in hand, there is no man that I would rather toast 317 Ryders MC’s 20 years of excellence with than the 317 Lifetime Legend of the night Big E.

Merry Christmas!

In celebration of 20 Years of 317 Ryders MC excellence, on this day of all days I must reveal the secret identity of one of the greatest superheros of them all Tyrrell Giles aka Quest Love is none other than the jolly man from the North Pole himself Santa Claus!

Raised in Oakland, attended Highschool on the Southside of Indianapolis, Quest Love is an eclectic mix of Oaktown hustle and blue-collar hard work ethic.  A father at 16 years old, at an early age Quest had to grow up fast and become a responsible parent and man.  Raised by an outstanding support system of his grandmother, grandfather, mother, aunts, and uncles, Quest was embedded with strong principles of right and wrong that guided him on a path of entrepreneurial success.   Traits that he has now passed down to his own two outstanding children.  His son Quincy Giles is now a star actor that has appeared on several episodes of Law and Order!

But who is Quest Love?

Why Santa Claus?

Because if you know Quest Love then you know that there is no superhero that wields the superpower of gift giving better than he does!   Our former business manager and leader in the club.  Quest gives! 

He gives his money. 

He gives his time. 

He gives his ideas. 

He gives his passion.

Not just on Christmas, every single day of the year.  He is the man that whether you are naughty or nice, his heart and soul is big and wide enough to help you.  If you are really in need, Santa is the first to open his wallet and share a couple of dollars.  With a big, huge smile and a loud boisterous laugh.  He gives even when he gets nothing in return.  He gives to those that don’t deserve it.  He gives when he may not have it himself.  He gives because he loves, and he cares.  He does not want anyone that he loves to want or need anything.

Quest is extremely talented and smart.  One of the smartest men I know.

Black Pride Personified!

Inspirational Achievement.

He has done what I cannot.

My superpowers are not that strong.

I am not that great.

He owns and operates several successful businesses.

Quest Staffing

Hoosier Occupational Training Services

Nurse Aid Training

Trucking and Logistics

His greatest gifts are the thousands of jobs that he has trained members of our community for to help them increase their income and care for their families. He employs thousands of people through his staffing company.  He puts money in people’s pockets so that they can provide Christmas for their kids.  He is a black man that literally worked hard, learned everything he could and spends every night and day pushing to create opportunities for others.  He did it all as a teenage father without a college degree.   He is a real life in the flesh superhero.

Quest is also an elected politician.  He is a City County Councilor for his district in Lawrence. He has successfully run and won two campaigns.  He is a vocal fighter for the disadvantaged. No voice is louder or stronger.   He is a dedicated public servant. He is a conservative Democrat! Lol.

Santa has made so many children smile throughout his lifetime!  He has literally brought joy to the World. 

His weakness…Santa can be openly judgmental sometimes.  Well, it happens when you are constantly tasked with making determinations regarding who is naughty or nice.  He would say if you don’t want to hear his opinion then don’t you dare put that Christmas wish list letter in the mail.  Santa has a mouth.  A brutally honest, unfiltered, straight no chaser mouth.  A big mouth.  He admits it. He owns it.  He has no choice.  He got it honest.  But on occasion he is apologetic for it.  In the end he is still Santa, and you have to love him for it. The good and the bad.

Quest and I became the closest of brothers by a weird set of circumstances.  I was a mentor to his first wife Cassandra when she was in law school.  When Cassandra and Quest got divorced, I got Quest as a best friend as part of the divorce decree.  We have been working together as superheroes in the community to save the day ever since.  He knows me extremely well and I know him extremely well.  No two friends may know each other better!  He is very protective of me.  I am his biggest fan. Brothers fight.  And like the brothers we are, we got into a superhero style fight.  Superman vs Santa Claus. That’s probably what the fight looked like to the rest of the club when it happened.

The heavy burden of being President, requires that I always choose what I believe is right for the club no matter the situation or the cost.  The heavy burden of being my best friend and brother for Quest is that for him nothing else matters more than my trust, understanding and respect.   After a year apart, we reunited because we are both stronger together than a part. Real love will always find a way to work through pain and hurt.  That is what happened for us.  Our Love fought “our fuck you” and our love for one another won.

The return of my strong brotherhood with my best friend Quest is one of greatest gifts that Santa could give me in 2021.  We talk every single day, seemingly all day.  This year Quest got married to his beautiful bride Marcia Giles the best friend of my incredible wife Mocha Lisa McMillian aka Wonder Woman!  It’s now truly a family affair from top to bottom.  Quest has served as a behind the scenes coach to Mocha since our first date 6 years ago and helped guide her to win the Super Bowl called our marriage!  He was in my wedding, and I was honored to be at his!

Quest used to own a Kawasaki ZX 14 named Bo Jackson.  He is a Raiders fan. He is from Oakland.  But all his life, since his time standing outside the Eastbay Dragons MC Clubhouse in Oakland, Quest wanted a Harley Davidson.   But not just any Harley Davidson, but the best Harley Davidson his money could afford!  He worked hard and finally got his wish!  Santa’s award-winning sleigh is a Candy Paint, gold flake Road Glide aptly named the Flagship!  He regally rides it with style and class, proudly banging his music, as if Rudolf and all of the well-groomed reindeer all pulling it across the sky on Christmas Eve.

Ho, Ho, Ho!

So Merry Christmas to all!  20 Years of 317 Ryders MC.  I already got my present.  He is probably somewhere smoking his pipe and yes…running his mouth.  Happy. Jolly. Shit talking Santa.  He is my gift for 2021.  This is my gift to him.  We can celebrate Christmas this year as a club because Quest Love aka Santa Claus has spent all his illustrious time in the club using his greatest superpower to make the club what it is today! THE ABSOLUTE BEST!

What if Batman and the Joker were two halves of the same man.

Are they really so different?

Vigilante superhero and maniacal madman.

Both unpredictable.

Both profoundly misunderstood.

Both geniuses.

Both loved and feared.

Today in celebration of 20 years of 317 Ryders MC’s excellence I dare take on the task of revealing what I believe to be the dual superhero identity of one of the most complex and legendary leaders in 317 histories, the former Lead Road Captain and Vice President of 317 Ryders MC, my wingman Kendall Williams aka Part 2 aka the Joker and/or Batman!

Part 2. 

You always think you know who you are dealing with, what you are dealing with, but you truly have no idea!

He is truly one of the psychologically smartest men I know.  A walking test of mental acuity that plays the game of life five moves ahead of everyone else in the world. Superhero or Supervillain or both wrapped into one amazing man.










When I met Part 2 he was a schoolteacher.  He retired at a very early age. He then started Dove Express, an extremely successful dove release business that operates in several cities across the country.   That’s right…the man has the ability to train birds to perform to a such a high degree of accuracy that he can earn a wonderful living off of their ability. His birds have performed at the NFL Super Bowl.  Super Talented.

Part 2 is an extremely skilled motorcycle rider. He has ridden his GSXR 750 to and from towns across the country.  The 317 King of the furthest distance on iron trophy, Part 2 has a collection of individual awards that would rival that of an entire Motorcycle Club full of members.  He can ride with the steely eyed focus and determination of Batman or the wild eyed seemingly reckless crazy a playful abandonment of the Joker.   

Most stories about Part 2 I simply cannot put into writing.  You had to be there to see it yourself.   I was sworn to secrecy.  But I can disclose that Part 2 is the extreme Ying and yang of a “hell yes” and “hell naw” biker.  Always with a sly smile.  Always with things playing out exactly as he planned.   

Like Batman, Part 2 is a Dark Knight loner that enjoys hosting Bruce Wayne like superhero parties in his back yard.   His home and pitch ins are an Indianapolis favorite for bikers during the summer.  Wings, BBQ, drinks, fire pit and his beloved dog Temple.  Good times with great people.  Like Bruce Wayne, you get the feeling that Part 2 can intentionally bring together people where beneath their friendly veneer, smiles and laughs lies both superheros and supervillains.  He provides the venue, sets the table and the chairs and before the evening is over and the red cups are empty, their true identities will all be revealed.

As President, Part 2 is publicly known as my wingman.  Together we rode motorcycles from Indianapolis to San Francisco in four days to raise over $80,000 for the United Way of Central Indiana.  He also rode a motorcycle and flew the 317 Ryders MC flag in Africa.  When, I plan a trip, he is always the first member to say yes and pay for his room. 

I love and cherish Part 2!  Part 2 can also frustrate the shit out of me! As Batman, he can cape waving in the wind save the day with his agility, resourcefulness and intuitiveness.  As the Joker, he can knowingly and intentionally be stubborn as fuck and create chaos and confusion for reasons that may only be understood by his internal fight against boredom.   Atleast we are close enough as brothers that he owns and admits that duality to me.

He is a hard worker that takes care of business. But he is the also the man that will steal your keys and hide them if you leave them in your bike causing the whole damn ride to come to a complete stop.  He is the man that will cheer you on during an exercise workout and drive you to burn 2500 calories in two hours.  But he is also the man that will look you dead in the face as President when you ask him to do something reasonable and laugh and say a slow very pronounced "No.” Maddeningly unpredictable and perfect in his duality. 

You never know where in the World he is going to be.  You never know what in the World he is going to try next.  He is a surfer. He is a dancer.  He is a movie buff.  He is a CrossFit champion.  He is a philosopher.  Part 2 is both Batman and Joker.  I adore and cheer for both of them.  Right or wrong.  Good and bad.  317 Ryders MC desperately needs both of them.

317 Ryders MC’s 20 Year history of excellence has turned time and time again in the right throttle hand of Batman and left clutch hand of the Joker otherwise known as Part 2.  The story of 317 would not be worth reading without Part 2.  We all lean, twist and accelerate through 317 Gotham sometimes like a Batman and sometimes like the Joker because of him.

Every so-called friend is not really your friend.

Every so-called brother is not really your brother.

Every so-called man is not really a man.

I am very happy that I can say that I personally know someone that has established beyond any doubt that he is

A friend.

A brother.

A man.

As true and as solid as God has ever blessed us by putting on this green Earth!

Today in celebration of 317 Ryders MC, I reveal the superhero secret identity of our former 317 Public Relations Officer and leaders in the Club Sean Douglas aka JP Smooth as  none other than The Black Falcon! 

One of our club founders Bernard Johnson aka The Big Boss established that if you want to be a leader in 317 Ryders MC you need to learn to fly high like an Eagle.   JP Smooth has defied the laws of physics and gravity by becoming the Black Falcon that fly's higher, faster and farther than anyone could ever dream of in an MC. 

How did he do it?

What did he get done to his bike to make it go that fast?

Who did he sleep with on the set that made him “the man”?

Absolutely none of that. JP Smooth is the Falcon because he was our former President Juan Djwhip Pyle’s aka Captain America’s very best friend.  They rode across state lines to parties together across the country.  They were Myrtle Beach's friends.  They were Miami friends. They were Bourbon Street friends.   They were Riverside Park friends.  They shared highways and hotel rooms together.   Meals.  Tanks of gas.  Ups and downs.  Highs and lows.  They had an unbreakable bond and deep understanding of one another.  They both raised sons in Indianapolis.  They had fun…together.  They both loved 317 Ryders MC and helped it grow.  No fights.  Never.  No backstabbing.  No jealousy.  Just constant support and actions to back it up between two real and true friends.  Two brothers.  Two real men. 

JP immediately stands out in a room.  Soft spoken but typically the tallest, slender,  Al B Sure looking sharp dressed brother with the great hair and big smile.  He is the good person in the room that always knows and is connected to the other good people in the room. JP has a sharp wit and quick punch line that will make you laugh.  His super power is his positivity and optimism.  His greatest strength is his ability to calmly make situations that would fluster or break down another person look easy…or smooth….JP Smooth. 

Some people say that they will be there for you when you need them.  But most are lying.  Sorry.  It’s true.  But not JP. Not for his best friend DJ Whip.  When Whip recently passed away suddenly and unexpectedly from COVID 19, JP immediately took care of EVERYTHING, EVERYTHING, EVERYTHING with DJ Whip’s mother Tina and DJ Whip’s ex wife and mother of his child Carmelita Allen-Spear.  I personally watched and saw JP Smooth drop everything in his personal life and quickly gather himself to take care of his best friends family and business affairs…while he was still hurting from the loss himself. 

A real friend

A real brother.

A real man.

A Black Falcon to Captain America.

JP is an outstanding father to his son. He is an amazing caretaker for his mother.  He only recently also loss his father,  and yet in true JP Smooth fashion he has kept his head held high, his spirits up, and a joke and chuckle on deck for when everyone else needs it most.

For several years JP Smooth was the reason 317 Ryders MC could annually donate 50 to 60 bikes at a Christmas time to the Caring Place for kids in need!  JP had a connect on bicycles that our members were able to collect during the year, refurbish and distribute like new.  Just one example of how he has always found some way to help the club.  Committed.  Dedicated.  Loyal. Leader.

Always a rider with a good story to tell. A day kicking in the park always ends with some of the best and funniest 317 Ryders MC trip stories narrated by JP.

As President, I love and absolutely adore JP Smooth because he is confirmation that 14 years ago I made the right decision and joined the right club.  JP was in the club at that time.  I looked at him and I saw something that I really liked. 

I saw a friend.

I saw a brother.

I saw a man.

I saw what he shared with Whip then and now more than ever I respect it!  We now have a saying in the club “What would Whip do?”  But I think the question is also “What would JP Smooth do?” Together they represent the ties that should bind us as all tougher as brothers and sisters in 317 Ryders MC in life and in death.   Let every person in the World be so blessed and lucky to have a friend like JP Smooth. I promise you, that if you do, you will have achieved wealth beyond your wildest dreams.

For 20 Years, the members of 317 Ryders MC have flown high like Eagles because a Black Falcon named JP Smooth has been the friend, brother and man that we all look skyward and aspire to be!

I still remember the day I first learned about 317 Ryders MC.

I was a brand-new rider timidly riding my GSXR 1000 through Speedway when a small man on a much bigger and louder Harley Davidson blew past me…. intentionally. 

He looked over his shoulder as he approached the next light, downshifting through the gears and coming to a stylish stop.

I pulled up behind him…not next to him. 

He asked me my name, where I was riding to and said follow me.

It was only then that I realized he was being followed by five other bikes and I was now consumed in the pack.

I barely knew how to ride my bike.

My fear was overcome by observing his confidence.

When we finally stopped in a Family Video Store parking lot this mysterious man questioned me about my life, my background, my job.  In a few minutes he knew everything that he needed to know about me as a new rider on his streets.

And then it happens.

Just like Morpheus in the Matrix.

He told me about 317 Ryders MC and asked me if I wanted to ride with him and learn more.

Red or Blue pill?

In that moment this man unplugged me from the life that I thought I knew and opened my eyes to the decoded World of the Motorcycle Set.

Today in celebration of 317 Ryders MC excellence I pay homage to the man, the myth, the legend James Larkins aka The Mayor aka our not so secret 317 superhero Shrek Dogg!!!

A former 317 Ryders MC Public Relations Officer, no one has brought more members into the club than Shrek.  A ground pounder, a drag racer, a motorcycle fashion icon, he was a biker before his time.  A friend to every person on two wheels, Shrek was the biker that never met a stranger.  If he pulled up next to you than he got to know you.  If he rode with you then he got your name and phone number and invited, you on the next ride.  He knew just the right speed to go for new and old riders.  He always took you on fun rides.  His end points always had the perfect mixture of other bikers and great food.  Shrek was the biker that helped you grow as a biker.  You became a better rider, without knowing it.  You became a better networker, without knowing it.  You became a better person, without knowing it. He was a motorcycle Sensei showing his students “the way” in every situation.  He trained bikers to be motorcycle superheroes!

When I first started riding with Shrek, I actually thought he was the motorcycle version of Superman.  The things he could do on a bike were amazing.  Then one day, Shrek called me at work and found out that my nerdosity had led me to studying maps of Indiana to create country rides outside of the Indianapolis City Limits.  Shrek was one of the first people on the set to have an iPhone and to use it for weather and gps purposes while riding.  Together we built the ride of all motorcycle rides in Indiana. We ran it together the next day.  It was glorious.  An incredible mix of turns, open straight aways and scenic views.   So good we ran it two days in a row.  On day two, tragedy struck, and I saw my first motorcycle accident. Shrek ran off the road, into a water ditch, struck a pole and flew twenty feet into the air landing in a barrel roll through a corn field.  I was in shock as I stopped my bike and ran to help my new friend. Thankfully, he survived with only a broken collar bone.  But from that first accident, Shrek once again taught me a lesson.  Bikers never want to give up being bikers. In the hospital, all he could think about, talk about, care about was his next bike.   This became the first of many great tales involving my motorcycle mentor Shrek Dogg.

That now infamous Indiana country back roads route is now call the “Shrek Ride!”  It carries a whole novel full of legendary stories with it for each and every true biker in Indianapolis that has dared to ride it. 

I do not know if Shrek knew that he was guiding and leading me to become the future President of 317 Ryders MC.   He just used to tell me all the time “Man, you are really special!”  “Man, the club and the set need you!”  Always publicly and privately encouraging me to say more, do more.  Always showing me something new. Shrek was my inspiration for planning the club’s first cabin trip to Gatlinburg and the Tail of the Dragon.  Shrek was my motivation for planning the club’s first mancation to Miami. He has that positive driving spirit when it comes to motorcycles.  That is why so many people used to call him “The Mayor of the Indianapolis Motorcycle Set.”

When my ex-wife was pregnant with our twins, we had a lot of problems and had to live in the hospital for five months.  Shrek used to visit us in the hospital almost every night and sleep on the couch in the “Daddy room” to keep us company, tell stories from the streets and make us laugh.  That’s Shrek!

Shrek’s motorcycle life all changed one night when he was hit from behind at a stop light by a drunk driver.  He was fine.  The bike was not. The accident changed Shrek mentally…and … um … financially.  Lol.  Shrek turned that accident into the best thing that could have ever happened to him.  He met the lovely Hermela Larkins.  She was actually living in Africa.  He traveled there, several times, eventually marrying her and bringing his Queen to America.  They now have two beautiful children, a lovely home and a phenomenal life together.  Shrek is a union welder.  She is cake and pastry designer.  Together they make a dream come true couple.  Like the movie, Shrek finally found something he loved more than late nights running the streets on motorcycles…HIS FAMILY!

Shrek is now retired from the club. Although he still has his two Harley Davidson motorcycles and his BMW 1000 Sport bikes, we never get to ride with him anymore.  We still talk all the time.  He facetimes us on rides and promises that one day he will return to the streets on iron.  I have tried every trick in the book to get my mentor to ride with me again, but alas I understand.  Life changes, Shrek changed … for the better. Maybe in the end, my journey as a husband and father pulled him off of the motorcycle set, the same way his journey as a biker once pulled me on the motorcycle set.  I took the red pill, but then he took the blue one.  He is now happily plugged into the family Matrix.  Who would I be as President to disconnect him now?

If you can’t tell by now, I love Shrek.  More than a friend.  More than a brother.  More than a small fashionable man on a motorcycle that introduced me to my life’s passion.  Shrek was my first real life in the flesh motorcycle superhero and because of him I aspired to be one too!







The definition of brotherhood

We are all superheroes in 317 Ryders MC because for nearly 20 Years we have grown and benefitted from the living embodiment of excellence that is Shrek Dogg.

Imagine spending your entire life from the moment that you were conceived with the exact same person. 

A physical duplicate copy of yourself.

If ever there was a mystical natural superpower, being an identical twin has to be one of the greatest.

Today in celebration of 20 Years of 317 Ryders MC excellence, I will reveal the secret identity of two real identical twin sisters that are also 317 Ryders MC club sisters. Our former club treasurer Yolonda TasteofHoney Harris and our current club assistant secretary Rhonda Hopkins Carney aka Spice are both none other than the 317 Ryders MC Crimson Twins!

Now these ladies are far from villains or evil military Cobra Commando forces.  They are God fearing church going beautiful kindhearted women that work hard, donate their time, love everybody and ride motorcycles.  But they do appear to have the same superpowers of my childhood favorite GI Joe action figures the Crimson Twins. 


They are identical twins.

They are leaders in the club.

They can talk and finish each other’s sentences.

They are inseparable even when they are living miles apart.

They deeply sense each other’s pain.

Taste of Honey and Spice are both truly amazing.  You know that from the minute you meet them.  I worked with Taste of Honey as my Treasurer for the Midwest Breakout Ride and Indianapolis Black Expo rides to Georgia Street.  Spice was a volunteer helping her sister.  I hit it off with both of them immediately.  At that time, they were very proud members of their own all female club, Indy Black Pearlz.  They heavily supported the set and were very interested in community service.  They had a lot of strong connections and bonds.  Their reputation was impeccable.  Everyone trusted Taste of Honey and Spice to do the right thing when it came to money.   They never ever came up short one penny. Unfortunately, that is a rare trait in the MC World.

It was our former club President Juan Dj Whip Pyle aka Captain America and my own experience with Taste of Honey and Spice that led to our irrepressible desire to bring these two dynamic forces into 317 Ryders MC if possible.  They are just that good!  They are just that solid! It was Whip’s crowning achievement when Taste of Honey and Spice somehow someway agreed to shut down their beloved club and join 317.  We both knew that their collective superpowers would make 317 Ryders MC better. We were right…so very right!

The Twins are all about taking care of business.   They can do it all.  Quickly, efficiently and accurately.  Taste of Honey and Spice are as professional and courteous as they come.  They are a joy to work with.  You give them a project and there is no doubt that it will get done and done correctly…the first time!  Their superpowers are their phenomenal work ethic and moral code of 100% of the time meeting and exceeding their responsibilities.

Like the Gi Joe Crimson twins they are eternally loyal to one another.  This year was the first year of their entire lives that they did not physically spend their birthdays together in the same place.  Imagine that!  Often times confused for one another, they actually have different personalities.  Taste of Honey is the daredevil twin.  Spice is more conservative.   Taste of Honey is more outspoken and social.  Spice is quieter and more reserved.  They both love to ride but Taste of Honey has a longer history on iron than her sister Spice. 

National Biker Round Ups, Set Nights, Party Weekends the twins are known across the country for supporting other MCs and doing community service to help those in need.

Taste of Honey was one of the driving forces behind the founding of Indy Bikers United in Indianapolis, an organization which still today brings together the entire Indianapolis MC set to conduct neighborhood clean ups, food drives, toy give away, collect and donate clothing to the homeless and other charitable, back to school free backpack and free haircut events.

Spice is a Board member of the 317 Ryders Foundation a 501 (C)(3) dedicated to providing resources to improve the lives of those in need.

The Twins are identical.

Identically brilliant.

Identically beautiful.

Identically committed to 317 Ryders MC

Taste of Honey is married to her loving husband Kevin Harris, and they live happily together in Tampa Florida. Although out of state she remains fully engaged.

Spice dutifully assist Kimberly "Special K" Larkins with club records and communications. Facebook, emails, phone calls, text messages and GroupMe.  She is dedicated to making sure everyone has the information they need to participate.

They both are also highly successful entrepreneurial jewelry saleswomen and vendors at MC and other events!

As President and the father of my own twin boys, i love and adore Spice and Taste of Honey!  I marvel at their lifelong interaction.  Their closeness and connection.  Their ability to share the same space, time, joy and pain with another person for their entire life is amazing.  Their ability to do so over their lifetime and still intensely love each other is astounding.  They are so supportive of me and have believed in me from the start.  Any MC goofy idea that I have developed they have immediately helped me with and sat eagerly and patiently at the Treasure’s table ready, willing and able to collect the dues, sponsorship money and tickets to pay for that goofy idea.  They are the reason those goofy ideas have become some of the largest and most successful events in Midwest MC history!

It took a lot of courage for the Indy Black Pearlz Twins to become the 317 Ryders MC Twins.  I am forever grateful.  I know Whip was and still is forever grateful. He is still smiling in heaven above about that move of the century that he made!

Not many MC’s have identical twins that both ride motorcycles together.  Not many MC’s have celebrated 20 Years.  Spice and Taste of Honey are just two more great reasons why 317 Ryders MC can now celebrate 20 years of pure excellence!

Great Superhero’s require higher level guidance embodied in earthly form.

Perseus went to one in the Clash of the Titans to learn how to defeat Medusa.

King Lionitas was required to go to one in the 300 to determine whether he could defeat the Persians.

Conan the Barbarian went to one.

The Gladiator called on one in his darkest hour.

And perhaps one of the greatest and most unique Superhero’s of our time Neo went to one in the Matrix!

Today in Celebration of 20 Years of 317 Ryders MC excellence I reveal the secret Superhero identity of one my absolute favorite members and leaders, our club Indy Bikers United representative Terrisa Teeboogie Thomas is in fact THE ORACLE from the Matrix!

Quietly located at a table in the corner of any and every clubhouse or party.  Scrolling and thumbing her phone seeking additional knowledge (mostly in th form of dermatology surgery videos).  Beautiful, mysterious, T Boogie sensuously sways from side to side occasionally glancing her glowing eyes up from behind her glasses to see the MC World and capture moments and movements. 

T Boogie is THE ORACLE, the voice, the power, the knowledge, the entity that beckons you softly (without words or express invitation) to sit down with her, to have a homemade cupcake with her and to get the answer to all of your questions by talking one on one with her.

She is the type of person that allows you to figure out the answers for yourself by asking you the right questions.  DIG THAT!  She does not lecture you.  She patiently but pointedly questions you to make you answer the real question that matters!  Deep!

Fiercely loyal and loving to her husband the Vice President of 317 Ryders MC Dialo Thomas aka D Dirty aka the Black Panther, the Oracle cast her spell over the King of the Set long ago capturing his heart and soul, commanding his steps and strengthening his spirit. Omnipresent, if you see D Dirty, T Boogie is always physically at his side.  But when she is not, you still see the Oracle pumping inside his heart and weaving through his mind.

T Boogie is a true ground pounder.  SHE RIDES HER SHIT EVERYWHERE ANYTIME!   Let’s go!  The Oracle’s sportbike is appropriately named the Monster.  It takes an Oracle to ride a Monster from Biloxi, Mississippi to Indianapolis, Indiana in a pouring tornado like storm.   No ride is too far or too challenging.

Her only weakness….birds.  She absolutely cannot stand birds.  Bring a bird to the Oracle and it will go all bad really quickly.

As President,  I ABSOLUTELY LOVE AND ADORE T Boogie. SHE IS MY ORACLE.  I go to her when I want the answers to the mystical problems of life.  When I want to see and know things past the bullshit.  I know that she knows because she has been quietly sitting in those corners listening, watching, learning and waiting for me to come to her with the right question at the right time.  Straight plain talk.   When she first joined the club, the Oracle did not like me.  She thought I was arrogant and fool hearty.  All Oracle’s think that of their Superhero’s.  But then we sat by a fire, by the water and talked and she turned her third eye within my soul and saw my true self.  I rose from conversation a superhero, forever stronger, forever wiser.  She became one of my biggest supporters.  She fell in love with me and I fell in love with her and we have been dancing together every since!  She is now one of my greatest Superpowers.  She is my guide.  T Boogie is my Oracle.

A leader amongst the women in the club and on the set, T Boogie, as Oracle will often call upon all of the other female bikers on the set to come together for fellowship at her lair the Dirty Boogie.  She is the founder of the D.U.B. Divas United on Bikes.  She is also supremely committed to helping those in need.  Every week she spearheads an effort to gather and distribute clothes, toiletries, food and necessities to the homeless.  She has coordinated back to school back pack drives and neighborhood clean ups.  The Oracle is a tireless servant of the poor because she deeply hurts for those in need.  She calls on each and every MC Superhero to do their damn job and save someone that needs help….RIGHT NOW!

Like the Oracle in the matrix, T Boogie is an outstanding cake baker.  Just writing this dedication to her makes me crave her pineapple upside down cake that she makes for my wife Mocha Lisa McMillian aka Wonder Woman’s birthday. 

An outstanding mother to her children.  A very hard worker.  Committed to successfully providing long term at home care for her mother.  A woman that always makes a way out of no way.   The Oracle is a survivor.   She once walked out of a kitchen fire unscathed.  Thank God.  She once survived a bad motorcycle accident with just road rash.  She now uses it as an Oracle like warning to others to wear their gear.  It has not stopped her from riding at all!!  Thank God.

This celebratory message is long.

I know

It should be.

I could write so much more.

That’s what the Oracle means to me!





That gorgeous smile that says “Everything is going to be alright Superman!  Keep doing what you are doing!  No one can defeat you!”

We can celebrate 20 Years of excellence today because,  T Boogie is the Oracle of 317 Ryders MC!

Some M/C members operate on the edges.

Extremely quiet but always present.

In the background observing and assessing.

Asking just the right questions at the right time.

Providing the right answer at the right time.




Today, in celebration of 20 Years of 317 Ryders MC, I am revealing the secret Superhero identity of our Club Chaplain Ira Duncan aka Mystery Man is really the famous detective Dick Tracy!

Mystery Man, a terrific husband and father is actually celebrating his wedding anniversary today to his beautiful wife!  A very soft-spoken gentleman, Mystery Man rides into events like a shadow.   You may not know he is there until he wants you to know that he is there. However, he is NOT the Invisible Man!  He proudly talks to other bikers about the club, one on one, attracting new members. 

Always smiling.  He is a positive face at the leadership table.  Mystery Man recently volunteered to be the Club Chaplain, to provide support and care for our members in their personal times of celebration and need.  From funerals to weddings.  From hospital visits to birthday celebrations, Mystery Man is there in the shadows.

He analyzes the situation before acting.  Like Dick Tracey, his superpower is patience.  You need members that do not act and react to every perceived slight.  You need members that get all the facts before they make a move.   Steady and predictable.  Intuitive.  That is Mystery Man!

As President, I love his dependable peace!  No drama.  No problems. No complaints.  Just very happy to be a member and leader in 317 Ryders MC. 

After 20 Years, any MC President will tell you that peaceful happy members are the best members in the club.

Today I salute my club brother Mystery Man aka Dick Tracy the quiet peaceful side of 317 Ryders MC.

I always refer to him as the future President of 317 Ryders MC.

He is the big return on our greatest investment.

He is the cup that we all pour into so that future generations of 317 Ryders MC will have something to drink from our legacy.

He is the living breathing reflection of our mission as club brothers and sisters.

To have a positive impact and make a solid contribution to the lives of each other’s children so that they can grow up and be successful and perhaps become leaders of 317 Ryders MC.

Today in celebration of 20 Years of 317 Ryders MC excellence we reveal secret identity of one of youngest leaders, Deputy Road Captain Arnell King aka Lil Swoll aka Mr. King’s (that’s what Momma Mack calls him) real superhero identity is Deadpool!

The son of long time 317 Ryders MC member Arnell King Sr., Swoll is one if the most beloved members of the club.  We have watched him grow up from childhood to manhood. With a Deadpool like hilarious sense of humor and an unforgettable smirk/smile you can’t help but be a super fan of Mr. King!  We all want him to win and succeed.

What can I say about our young master?

Well…Swoll has some brothers and sisters…a lot of them…a whole lot of them!

Well…Swoll has some kids…a lot of them…a whole lot of them…and counting!

But he is hard working, dedicated and committed to raising his kids.  They follow him in tow everywhere he goes.

Have some snacks and Capri suns on deck if Swoll is coming to visit your house. All of his children are beautiful and will absolutely melt your heart. 

Swoll is a Helluva biker.  Confident beyond words.  He has a ferocious riding style that pushes a bike to its absolute limits at all times, at every turn and from every light.  He rides like his father.  When riding, Swoll will either make you say “Wowwwwww” or “Damnnnnn”. A ride can end at the gas station laughing and listening to his stories or it can end on the side of the road looking at a hole in the motor or tires that have completely disintegrated off the rim.  Don’t leave we have to lift what’s left of Swoll’s bike on the back of the truck!  Like Deadpool, Mr. King is going all out all the time.  No guts no glory!

Deadpool’s superpower is his ability to regenerate himself after suffering a mortal injury.  That superpower describes Swoll to a tee.  He has destroyed so many bikes, but he always rebuilds them or comes back with another better one.  He has broken so many hearts, but he always makes them laugh and smile and does the things that make them forgive him.  I admire his resilience the most.  He gets down on himself, but he never counts himself out of the fight.  He is the ultimate hustler that is always one move away from victory.

Swoll is an extremely talented tradesman.  He can build and fix anything.  House, car, truck or motorcycle and for a very fair price. My Mother, a member of 317 Ryders MC, Marjorie Haynes McMillian aka Momma Mack adores her adopted son Mr. King.  She has hired and referred him to complete so many household repairs.  Admittedly Swoll needs a significant amount of work on punctuality and dependability when it comes to appointments!  But if you had as many kids as he, has you might show up late and miss appointments too.  Thankfully, when he finally fits you in his super busy schedule, he does an outstanding job.

As President, Swoll is so special to me.  So many of the old head bikers on the set have lovingly taken Swoll under our wing, love him dearly and would give him anything at any time.  The OGs are very protective of Swoll.  He is a grown man that is truly a son to all of us.  I love him and I am excited to see what the future holds for him.  My job is to keep lifting him as I climb and to pray/lecture him that he does not test his regenerative powers on a motorcycle too much more in this lifetime!

If you see Swoll ride into your town, be very careful…he can still have more kids.

That issue is a work in progress. LOL.

Lil Swoll is the “future” of 317 Ryders MC and thankfully the future is now!

In celebrating 20 Years of 317 Ryders MC today I reveal the not so secret superhero identity of our newly elected Sgt at Arms Darrell Miller also known publicly by his superhero identity PAC-MAN!

Recently retired from a long and storied career chasing Ghost Monsters as an Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department Officer, Pac Man is a proud member of 317 Ryders MC. 

An excellent father and husband, Pac-Man loves to ride his motorcycle every chance he gets.  He owns a lot of them…a whole lot of them and they are all as comfortable as a couch!  Sportbike a and cruisers, Kawasaki’s and Honda’s, Goldwings and ZX14s Pac-Man has owned them all and can ride them all.  Chomping up the miles up and down the highway.

An outstanding father and loving husband he often takes his beautiful wife on rides with us.  A quiet leader in the club.  You can’t help but feel safe and secure when Pac-Man is around. Always helping with the security of the club but very quiet and reserved about his professional life as a police officer. When he is with the club he is just a biker and our club brother. 

As President, when I am with Pac-Man I love the fact that he is always smiling.  He always looks like he is having a great time.  No drama.  No stress.  No yelling or fighting.  When he shows up, he is the tall guy standing waiting for the ride take off.  At the end of the ride he is the guy sitting and laughing with his club brothers while enjoying a great meal.  At the end of the ride he is the guy that you see smiling in his helmet (rain or shine), waves his hand and cruisea off home.  Happy and at peace until the next ride.  Extremely calm, cool and collected!  This is what I love and adore about Pac-Man the most.  his peace brings peace to everyone he is around.

He quietly looks for ways to help his fellow club brothers and sisters in ways that are bug amd small.  He is a great resource when people are in trouble. He always shows up for our community service projects ready and eager to work. 

When I am leading a ride, I look back in my rear view mirror and I see Pac-Man. A phenomenal rider.  Safe.  Predictable.  Smart.  Smooth.  He rides his line on the road and stays in his lane in life just like he is collecting the power pellets.  As a newly elected leader in the club, we are all excited to have him on the leadership team.  Already he is having a positive impact by captaining some of our mandatory rides and events.

We are a safer and more secure club because of Pac-Man.  I am proud to say that Pac-Man is 317 Ryders MC!

Celebrating 20 Years of 317 Ryders MC excellence.  Today I reveal the superhero identity of one of the all time great leaders of 317 Ryders MC.  When you say her name you better put some RESPECT on it and watch your tone of voice!  When I became Vice President of the club eleven years ago she was my right hand. Then President of the club Juan Djwhip Pyle aka Captain America and I relied on this strong willed “can do/will do/ already done it” leader for everything.  Our Club Public Relations Officer Juanita Bama Chavers’ superhero identity is none other than Xman Southern Belle Rogue!

Hailing from the great state of Alabama, Bama is the ultimate relationship road warrior.  With tight bonds across the United States Bama has connections in MC’s in every major City.  If you want to know where the best MC/SC parties are call Bama.  She knows!





Common Sense.

Bama brings a straight forward southern put up or shut up flavor to club.   Bama will order the food, book the rooms, secure the hotel, get the tickets, hand out the fliers, send out the text and make the phone calls!   One of her greatest superpowers…selling party tickets!  She sells a lot of them.  During her time in the club perhaps no one has sold more of her own tickets and a tickets for other members than Bama! 

A fiercely dedicated, protective and hard working mother, Bama is wholly committed to her kids and her mother.  She is a fighter….not a fighter in the figurative sense…a real fighter.  She once had to lay a disrespectful biker clean tf out with a motorcycle helmet!  She has a beautiful smile, a cute smirk and a big hearted laugh …. until you piss her off or cross the line.  If she does not fuck with you than don’t fuck with her!

Like Rogue she can roll solo alot of times.  She does not need the crowd.  She does not need a fan club.  As a superhero Rogue always feared that touching another person would drain their powers and kill them.  Likewise Bama does not get close to many people.  There are a lot of people that know who Bama is but very few who really know Bama.  She stays guarded. That is her strength.

She is all about her Harley Davison Street Glide.  She keeps a fresh HD outfit on deck.  I remember when she used to get down on her Busa but now it is all grown woman HD stunting. Clean and shinning.

Sometimes superhero’s fall out with one another.  Something wrong happens.  Something gets said that should not have been said.  Something gets done that should not have been done.  Superhero’s often times have to fly away from each other …. sometimes in the heat of battle.  They try not to speak to or about one another.  Apologies fall flat. Greetings become cold and short.  Distance from one another becomes a necessity.  To much misplaced power in one place can be … disruptive.  That happened between my Rogue superhero Bama and me.  I hated every minute of it. I love Bama. I know how she gets down.  I see faults in every person, especially myself.  But greatness is rare and Bama is truly great at what she does.  No one does it like her.  No one does it better.  I know and have always known that as President of 317 Ryders MC, I need Bama to take this club further and higher.  Her smile and nod of approval tells me as President that I am on the right track.  Her hug as my club sister reaffirms my ability to be a great leader.  It always has and always will.  Nothing will ever change that!

It was a happy day for me in 2021 that Bama was elected to return to the 317 Ryders MC leadership team as a Public Relations Officer.  I am extremely excited and inspired because I know like the superhero Rogue,  Bama is going bring back all of my good memories and good times in the club.   The 317 Ryders MC P.R.O. Team has already put together a very fun and lively mandatory party travel calendar that will take us across the country.  Already in meetings Bama’s strong voice is bringing back some of the old 317 Ryders MC southern swag! 

I feel it and I love it!

Instead of draining me of my power.m , getting back close to Bama is actually filling me with the strength, energy and enthusiasm I need to lead this club. 

That is an indisputable FACT!

I keep it 100!  You have to when you are in a club full of the strongest superhero’s in the galaxy for 20 Years.  317 Ryders MC is the club that it is today, known and respected across the country because Bama put in the miles, time, phone calls, texts and sheer effort to build the brand.  I love and adore Bama because Bama is 317 Ryders MC.

For 20 Years 317 Ryders MC has thrown some of the hottest and most memorable parties in the country.

Party Weekends with themes like…


Fantasy Island

Welcome to the Jungle

Star Trek vs Star Wars

The Jersey Party

The Camo Party

Harlem Nights

The Motorcycle Legends Party

Today in celebration of 20 Years of 317 Ryders MC excellence we celebrate the brilliant and creative mind behind the venue and hotel decorations for those themes.  The Superhero who’s superpower is to literally make a President’s dream into a reality with arts and crafts.  My beautiful and talented club sister Eva Chandler aka Nuthin Nice the Sgt. At Arms of 317 Ryders MC’s true identity is the Green Lantern! 

An amazing mother and wife highly dedicated to her husband and daughters, Nuthin Nice lives a quiet, hard working and unassuming life as a woman focused on the well being of her family.  With inhuman strength and laser like focus there is no goal that she has set that she has not accomplished for herself.  If she wants it for her family she is going to sacrifice everything and put in the work for it.  She does not make excuses.  She makes things happen.

Nuthin Nice is the type of woman that if she is in your presence then you know you are going to get 100% of everything she has to offer.  She is a giver and a doer.  She is team “no sleep” and “no breaks.”  Rarely taking time for herself, the club is supposed to be her peaceful respite from the madness of life, but some leaders are addicted to being the superhero that always saves the day.  Nuthin Nice definitely suffers from that incurable addiction.

Like the Green Lantern, I have watched Nuthin Nice transform a basketball gym to a Vietnam War Zone.  I have watched Nuthin Nice transform a dingy hotel into a beautiful planetary oasis with a Star Trek transporter room.  For 12 hours straight, I watched Nuthin Nice hang Christmas lights throughout an entire hotel in every nook and cranny.  She is the magician that pulls the rabbit out of her hat every time we have a party, anniversary dinner or matinee and she does it every time IN BUDGET!

Nuthin Nice is also one of my wife Mocha Lisa McMillian aka Wonder Woman’s best and closest friends. She is a voice of calm and reason for both of us.  As the long time Co-Female Sgt. at Arms they have skillfully guided, represented and protected the women in our coed club.  Nuthin Nice has earned respect both internally and externally as being a “no drama, no mess” type of leader.  She is going to pull you aside, say what she has to say and then it’s done, finished, over, problem solved and we can move on.

It should come as no surprise that Nuthin Nice is also the club seamstress. She has personally sewn the 317 Ryders MC patch that is worn on most of the backs of our members on their vest, including my own.  She is the designer of many of 317 Ryders MC apparel.  She has created outfits for the club to be in uniform at the annual Black Tigers MC pajama party and other MC events.  She can always draw and paint the picture that becomes the image and brand of 317 Ryders MC and it always comes out as a perfect work of art.

As President, I love Nuthin Nice because I know I can always count on her to do the things that she has the superpower to do….even if she is exhausted…even if it takes all night. If she says she is going to be there for me, then she is going to be there for me.  If she says she is going to do it for me then she is going to do it for me.  She shows me the utmost respect and demonstrates an unyielding love for me by communicating, being dependable and reliable.  I deeply admire her creativity.  She can take empty boxes and paper towel rolls and make them into a actual motorcycle!

Nuthin Nice lives in my heart as a fighter.  She fights so hard in life.  All of her life.  It’s hard to put into words the strength she has to forgive, forget and fight.  It’s hard to describe the ferocity with which she works to never give up on her family…to provide…to give them a better life than what she had growing up.  I often times pray for her because even Superhero’s, especially superhero’s need prayer and love.   Nuthin Nice’s weakness is that sometimes she does not see herself as the superhero that she is.  I hope this post changes that.  I don’t know anyone more deserving of this recognition!

Nuthin Nice is the “thematic creativity” that is 317 Ryders MC.  We would not be who we are today, the show that everyone wants to come and see without Nuthin Nice being a member and leader in 317 Ryders MC!

Sweet as the cake yo momma made on your birthday.

Addictive as the heroin yo daddy took when he left y’all.

Today in celebration of 20 Years of 317 Ryders MC I will reveal the Supervillain/Superhero identity of one of the most complexly alluring sisters in the club. Adontae Hamilton aka Fiesty aka “if doing too much was a person” is none other than irresistible and irrepressible Catwoman.

Fiesty is the “spicy attitude” of 317 Ryders MC.  She is the big hearted rebel that truly “does not give a fuck what you think!”  She is a master magician and escape artist.   Fast on her feet, with her superhero acrobatic gymnastics skills Fiesty can easily get in and out of even the worse situations.  A stare that will stop you in your tracks.  A laugh that will hurt your feelings.  A tongue that is as sharp and deadly as Catwoman’s whip.  You can love and hate Fiesty all at the same time but guess what “she still does not give a fuck what you think!”

Don’t let the hard but sexy demeanor fool you.  She is a dedicated and protective mother that works hard to provide the best for her sons.  She is the type of mother that will give you the best childhood memories at the beach but will beat your ass on the way home if you step one foot out of line. 

Fiesty is the life of any party, set night…hell club meeting!  She moves around…fast.  She will dance all night!  Her energy and vibe will make another woman …. and man jealous of her superhuman ability to tempt and overtake anyone she pleases.  A well known master flirt.  Why?  Because “she does not really give a fuck what you think!”

Fiesty is loyal friend.  One of the loyalist friends I know.  Her only weakness is that she moves around so damn fast that she often times forgets or looses things like her keys, wallet,  vibranium and yes gas in her car or bike (all of the time she runs out of gas because she forgets to look at the damn gas gauge).  But, if she borrows $20 from you, she is going to quickly cash app you back $30 and buy you a drink the next night.  She is complex and can be contradictory like most supervillains that live a double life of being superhero’s. Fiesty can steal your most prized possession…your heart…and make you happy that she took it. 

Best friends and riding partners with Mocha Lisa McMillian aka Wonder Woman the two of them together are a powerful beautiful mix of energy and enthusiasm.  Fiesty riding her ZX14 like it is the bat cycle and Mocha riding her R1 like she stole the Green Goblin’s hovercraft.  If you are riding with them both you better be prepared to focus and keep up because as bikers together on the highway they both “don’t really give a fuck about what you think” and will leave your ass! As President, I have suffered that humiliation while riding my Road Glide with them. 

I love and adore Fiesty.  She is so much more to me than my club sister.  She is my twin boys Lance and Xavier’s Aunt.  She is my former sister-in-law. She is one of my biggest supporters.   I love Fiesty because she tells her truth as she sees it and understands it best in that moment.   She fearlessly feels something good and unapologetically goes with it.  You might not do it.  You probably won’t like it.  You definitely won’t understand it.  But Fiesty is not you, it’s Fiesty!

She is a fighter that has survived a lot in her life.   She will stand ten toes down on what and who she believes in but will also admit when she is wrong.  She may not be sorry for it but she will admit it!  Remember that “she really does not give a fuck about what you think!”

Because of her close relationship with my wife and my unique understanding of her personality Fiesty has earned a VIP access pass to my life.  She can say and do things to me that others cannot because I trust the place that it is coming from.  It may drive me crazy, but I know Fiesty will not know where the meet up spot for the ride is because she did not read the text and she is going to be ten minutes late because she is moving around and she is going to need to stop because she is hungry, thirsty or a hair pin is stabbing her scalp inside her helmet.  I will patiently wait, stop, pull over (with a crazy look on my face). because it’s Fiesty and I know that she deeply and passionately loves my wife Mocha with all of her heart and soul.  Mocha may be the only person that she actually gives a fuck about what she thinks…sometimes.

317 Ryders MC has lasted 20 years because like Fiesty’s attitude there have been times like all bikers and all clubs we have had to “not give a fuck about what y’all think!”  That is why Fiesty is 317 Ryders MC!

It’s starting to get cold outside in the Midwest….very cold.

Most would say that “Riding season is over!”

They have winterized their bikes and put them on a battery tender.

They have left them at the mechanics for seasonal upgrades.

But there is one superhero through the 20 Years of 317 Ryders MC that extremely cold weather and heavy snow and ice has signaled the very beginning of riding season and not the end!

Today we celebrate 20 years of 317 Ryder MC excellence by revealing the secret superhero identity of the Club Controller Harold Anderson aka Subzero as none other than Bucky Barnes the Winter Soldier!

Subzero is the definition of a “motorcyclist.”  He has rode motorcycles not only in every State in the United States but every country in the World.  Along with our club sister Juanita Mystique Law and club brother Romero, the three 317 Ryders global superhero’s have embarked on dangerous missions to ride where no other members of 317 Ryders MC had rode before.  Across desserts….in Saudi Arabia.  Along the Berlin Wall.  Through the streets of Paris. Along the canal in Venice.  From ocean shore to ocean shore. Through the jungles of Africa.  THERE IS ABSOLUTELY NO PLACE IN THE WORLD THAT SUBZERO WILL NOT RIDE.

As the Club Controller, the cybernetic entity known as Subzero is the leader of the club that is elected by the members of the club to monitor the financial activities of any other leadership tram member that has access to the club bank accounts.  He routinely audits the club accounts searching for irregularities.  His job is to relentlessly hold the President (me), Vice President Dialo Thomas aka D Dirty the Black Panther and the Treasurer FaTina Snuggle Bunny Euarl aka Captain Marvel accountable for following our written club financial processes and procedures “to the letter of the law.”  He has the absolute and sole power to “shut down the club” and “cease all financial activity” if he finds ANYTHING suspicious or inaccurate.  ANYTHING at ANYTIME!  Yes,  he has done it before.  Yes, he can be a pain in the ass about it.  That is his job!   But he does it with a smile and a hearty laugh…

Extremely intelligent and an absolute master at multi tasking, in addition to being the 317 Ryders MC Club Controller he is also a leader and Treasurer in an elite organization known as the 317 Ryders Foundation, Inc. a federal 501(C)(3) solely dedicated to serving the community by funding activities that provide valuable resources to people in need.

A global business entrepreneur.

A supremely dedicated husband and father.

A United States Soldier and paramedic!

Owner of multiple motorcycles for various riding environments.

A deftly skilled rider both on country backroads, off road, on highways and the road course of a race track.

No destination is “too far.”

No map or gps can contain his deep passion for riding.

The Winter Soldier is literally unbeatable.

He is “serious business” on a bike.

Subzero is the practical voice of logic and reason in a 317 Ryders MC club meeting.  He works through problems step by step simplifying every issue to a resolvable minimum. 

His excellent physical condition and incredible presence make Subzero the face and voice of the club to the outside World whenever he is called upon.

Subzero’s 317 legacy will be the creation and issuance of the coveted Subzero Patch which is only awarded to bikers that are brave enough to go on a ride with him in subzero freezing temperatures. As President, I am proud to say that I am one of the few and the proud that have earned my Subzero patch by riding with the Winter Soldier through the snow covered streets.  I did it once…but I will never ever do it again! 

I love Subzero.  I love riding with Subzero.  I love working to make 317 Ryders MC a better and more efficient club with Subzero.  I love listening to and telling biker stories with Subzero.  I love watching Subzero literally riding across the World wearing his 317 Ryders MC vest and spreading our brand to the far corners of the Globe. 

Subzero is the guiding hand of order, process and structure for both the club and foundation.  Every club needs that leader that holds the proverbial club handle bars steady even in the midst of storms and bad weather.  He is the man that is going to say “Calm down, let’s just think about this logically…right!”  He lives and rides by the motto that “Every problem has a solution!”

You can closely audit the history of the club, in the same way that Subzero scrutinizes our club bank account and you will find that we would not be in a financial or global position to celebrate the greatness of 20 Years of 317 Ryders MC without our superhero Winter Soldier.

20 Years of traveling the country.

20 Years of building bonds with other bikers.

20 Years of set nights and parties.

20 Years of memories.

Today we celebrate the leader that has literally stretched 317 Ryders MC’s reach and presence across the United States for most of those 20 Years!  Our Head Public Relations Officer Nikki Harris aka Hot Shot aka Hotter Shotter’s true superhero identity is none other than Mrs. Incredible Helen Parr The Elastigirl!

The motherly guardian of the 317 Ryders MC brand, Hot Shot is the watchful eye over her beloved club and club members.     

With the prettiest chocolate Nubian smile that you have ever seen Hotter Shotter is the welcoming face of the club.

Either regularly riding her Harley Davidson or her Sportbike across State lines Hot Shot has pushed, pulled, incentivized, demanded, yelled, convinced and led 317 Ryders MC to do what they are supposed to do as bikers … TRAVEL AND ENJOY BUILDING RELATIONSHIPS WITH OTHER BIKERS.

How many miles has she traveled on the road on behalf of the club?

How many 317 Ryders MC party fliers has she handed out?

How many hugs has she exchanged?

How many text messages has she sent out and social media post has she made to market the club?

How many pictures has she taken?

No one knows!!!  It’s impossible to count.  It’s INCREDIBLE to witness.

Her father the late great Gerald Perkins aka Perk who recently passed away was a long-time loyal member of 317 Ryders MC.

Her aunt Laverne Perkins aka Missy P is still known and respected as one of the first women to join 317 Ryders MC that still remains in the club today and the matriarch of our club. When Missy P talks everyone listens.

Hot Shot proudly represents their strong legacy.

Hot Shot is the SPIRIT of 317! 

She is the light switch that when turned on brightens all of the lights in our 317 Ryders MC home.  An extremely hardworking outstanding mother to her own children, so many times Hot Shot has done the unbelievable!

Why Elastigirl? 

Because she is the SUPERHUMAN MOM!

Picture this…

After getting off work, cooking dinner, helping her kids with their homework and putting them to sleep, Hot Shot will put on her helmet, boots, jeans (fashion style always on super sexy point) and 317 Ryders MC vest and hit the road out of town in support of another MC, dance, promote, meet, greet, exchange numbers, party and return to Indianapolis all before her own children wake up.  She is the Queen of the TURN amd BURN.  She makes it look easy. 

Properly recognized by her peers over the years with numerous awards...

317 Member of the Year Award

317 Leadership Team Member of the Year Award

317 Best Bike Awards

and yes, the well-earned and deserved Indianapolis MC Set Brick House Award!

As President, I rely most on Hot Shot’s consistent and overwhelming passion for the Club.  I want to go because Hot Shot wants to go.  I believe a party is worth traveling to because Hot Shot energetically sold me on it!  I know I am going to have fun if my little spunky club sister is there smiling, laughing and introducing HER President to ever other person at the Event.  Hot Shot completes me as a leader and makes all of our good times in the club the best times of our lives!

I absolutely LOVE my Hotter Shotter.  She keeps me in check and on the move. She is one of my biggest cheerleaders. She is my gauge on the vibe of everyone else’s mood in the club.

With her superhuman shape shifting ability, Hot Shot now embarks on a new beautiful journey as the soon to be Mrs Wilson Damon aka D Nasty aka Wolverine.  She will be getting married in February 2022 and I am so honored that I will have a front row seat to this moment as their Best Man!   The club will be in FULL EFFECT at the reception and the party will be LIT!  I promise you that! 

If it was not for Hot Shot’s work as our superhero some of you reading this post would not know who or what 317 Ryders MC is, but because of her you know what it is, and you just can’t wait to know and see more!

In recognition of 20 Years of 317 Ryders MC excellence, today I reveal the identity of an immortal!  A man that is the best rider on Earth, in Heaven and in Hell.  He is our Lead Road Captain.  There is no one that can do it better!  He is one of my very best friends and closest brothers.  He is my trusted mechanic. He is the very soul of our club.  The secret superhero identity of Donnie Hale aka Ghost is really the Ghost Rider!

A flaming motorcycle rider created by God himself and driven to ride by the fuel of vengeance, Ghost has always done the impossible on a motorcycle. 

Extremely intelligent.

Ridiculously Fast.

Superbly reflexive.

A highly skilled communicator.

The superpower of a bikers intuition about hidden dangers.

Insanely protective of our members on the road.

Ghost is a living legend.  Whether it’s patiently training a new rider on the basics of operating their motorcycle or leading and road captaining a ride of 200 or more bikes without an escort to and through Cities like Chicago, Atlanta, Detroit, Louisville, Cincinatti and Miami, Ghost develops and executes the plan with his Road Captain team to perfection.

He once rode 2 hours through an actual tornado leaning half way off his bike the entire way just to repair my motorcycle so that I could make it home.

When it comes to repairing motorcycles, he is a genius that will not stop or quit until he has fixed the problem.

An outstanding father and son. Ghost spends his free time coaching wrestling to children of all ages for free (including my own sons)!

When you see Ghost ride,  not only does he appear to be on fire like the Ghost Rider…..well one day on a ride HE ACTUALLY PHYSICALLY AND LITERALLY CAUGHT ON FIRE!!!  Thank God he is ok.  Unfortunately, the bike is not.

Ghost is one of our strongest and longest serving leaders.  His presence on a ride makes everyone immediately feel safe.  He is the voice of reason and rational decisions in every meeting.

He cares.

He acts.

He over performs.

The Ghost Rider is the very symbol of the excellence of 317 Ryders MC because of his commitment to his family, his business, his community and the Club.

I truly love and adore Ghost.  I need him by my side on every ride. 

Anytime and anyplace he has been there for me and my wife Mocha Lisa McMillian to help us in any way possible in our time of need. 

He is so loyal.  He can be trusted with your life.  He is so committed.  He will always go above and beyond.

He carries the respect of riders young and old throughout the State of Indiana not just for how he rides but for what he does from his fiery flaming heart for others when he rides.

We could not be the 317 Ryders MC that everyone has known and loved for 20 Years without the leadership of Ghost aka the Ghost Rider!

It’s a celebration of 20 years of 317 Ryders MC excellence!  Our Club Treasurer, club Road Captain former club Event Captain all world leadership team member FaTina Snuggle Bunny Euarl’s superhero identity is none other than the cosmic avenger Carol Danvers aka Captain Marvel. 

The strongest of her numerous superpowers is ENERGY.  Constant, surging, pulsing, growing, bursting, regenerating ENERGY.

She is the “I got it” superhero.

She is the “I already took care of it” superhero.

She is the “I will go” superhero.

A woman that rides her motorcycle across the country like an Air Force pilot, Snuggle Bunny is a biker’s biker.  From the first day I met her I knew that we were absolutely going to put in a lot of miles together on the road traveling across the country.

An excellent mother, friendly playmate to small children and consummate dog lover, Snuggle Bunny is as lovable and huggable as a Teddy Bear.

A dancer that will turn the party up and all the way out … but definitely not a twerker.

A karaoke singer that will convince the whole room that they could produce an album together.

Her only weakness…allergies…to every damn thing!

Nevertheless, Snuggle Bunny flies through the sky like a cruise missile doing the impossible to save the World.

Don’t take her sweet demeanor for granted.

She is a fighter.

With the secret weapon of a high pitched piercing voice that commands respect when challenged, Snuggle Bunny easily fends off enemies.

She can form an energy force field to defend herself from “the bullshit” attacks of others and literally absorb negative energy and turn it into positive vibes.

She is not a quitter.

She takes a challenge head on.







With a superhero as strong willed, energetic and powerful as Snuggle Bunny you can be sure that as President we have both fought with each other and against each other.   We have danced together, rode together, yelled at each other and worked together to put on the best motorcycle events and rides the World has ever seen.

We have agreed to disagree.

We have told each other “Fuck You” and “I Love You” in the same conversation.

That’s what happens…

But when the day is dark and the battle appears to be lost, I always look to the sky for my cosmic light that will give us all the energy and power to fight.  I look to the sky for my  club sister that I love and adore, Snuggle Bunny aka Captain Marvel because Snuggle Bunny is 317 Ryders MC!

Celebrating 20 Years of 317 Ryders MC excellence today by revealing the superhero identity of the strongest link in the 317 chain our Head Sgt. At Arms Wilson Damon aka D Nasty’s true superhero identity is the impenetrable X Man Wolverine. A brooding independent demeanor with a suspicious eye for potential threats, D Nasty is the brain and muscle within the club. Responsible for every member’s security and safety on the set and at events there is no man more prepared for the job. He commands respect when he walks in the room, when he dismounts his Harley and when he speaks. Wisdom from past battles that he has fought and won; his clear preference is peace, but he is ready if necessary for war. His life is proof that he has an amazing superhuman ability to regenerate himself after any injury or set back. Time and time again he can take a hit, set back or injury that would have defeated or even killed another man, but D Nasty is too mentally, spiritually and physically strong to ever give up or be defeated. His wounds heal quickly. He immediately gets back to work and back to the fight. Fiercer, stronger, determined and more vicious.

I adore D Nasty!

I rely on him because he knows what I don’t. He sees what I can’t. He has experienced what I could not have lived through. He is the one man that I truly believe would lay his life down for me if necessary. I pray that never happens because on that regretful day I promise you we are not going to heaven alone.

If that sounds grim. It is! That is why D Nasty is the Wolverine.

He lives by the Wolverine’s famous catchphrase…

“I'm the best there is at what I do, but what I do best isn't very nice."

There are and will be happy times with the few people that he loves and cares for, none greater than his soon to be wife and our club sister and PRO the gorgeous and spirited Nikki Harris aka Hot Shot. Together they ride their Harley’s across state lines. D Nasty to enjoy a good smoke and a strong dose of 1738 while keeping a watchful eye on me. Hot Shot to network with other clubs, show love and respect to the set and keep the Wolverine happy and calm.

D Nasty has sharp iron claws. He rarely bares them to the World. His heart keeps them sheathed. But you dare not test that heart, because like the Wolverine if he has to fight in defense of 317 Ryders MC, he damn sure will not be fighting alone. The entire superhero team will assemble and drawing on D Nasty’s strength as our foundation we will never be defeated.

Lead Sgt. At Arms D Nasty aka the Wolverine is 317 Ryders MC!

Celebrating 317 Ryders MC 20 years of excellence by revealing the identity of one of fiercest leaders and most dedicated women in the club. Her superpower is her deep and highly sensitive empathic abilities.  She smiles and laughs to make you feel good even when she is hurting inside.  Our longtime 317 Ryders Club Secretary Kimberlyspecialk Larkins true superhero identity is none other than Jean Elaine Grey aka the Phoenix!

When she joined 317 Ryders Special K was a single mother of two boys.  She did not own a motorcycle or know how to ride but she saw a unique opportunity to find positive male mentors for her boys in the club and committed to making her club brothers and sisters her family. 

Starting off as the Queen of being trailed the Phoenix rose quickly to becoming a biker herself when everyone doubted her ability. 

She now is one of the leaders of the 317 Ryders MC women’s ride and has earned her stripes several times over, riding in all conditions across state lines on a Sportbike!

Like Jean Grey she can be filled with boiling rage, loud and demanding when she feels like her important voice is not being heard and respected.

But also, like Jean Grey she immediately returns to her calm, sweet, alluring and sexy demeanor just as quickly. 

Her concern and care for others led Special K to attend college as an adult and earn her degree and become a physical therapist.

It is not easy being a female leader of men in a motorcycle club. 

We can be stubborn assholes.

We can be critical jerks.

We can be sexist pigs.

We can be impatient impetuous bratty little brothers.

But Special K’s empathic powers protect and shield her and the members of the club from danger and carry us all higher together above the drama, the hurt and the bullshit. 

Like an Eagle.

Like a Phoenix.

Because of Special K aka Jean Grey, we rise.

I love her so dearly.  She is more than a sister.  She is more than a friend.  She means the World to me.  Special K is 317 Ryders MC.

Celebrating 20 years of 317 Ryders MC excellence!  If Wakanda is the Motorcycle Set then there can be no doubt who King T’Challa is, 317 Ryders Vice President Dialo Thomas aka “First name D Last name Dirty’s” real superhero identity is the Black Panther.

Full of that vibranium you can’t stop an energy source that never burns out.

No one cares more about the motorcycle set.

From day one his positive vision of what the set could be has driven him to create a kingdom where bikers ride their motorcycle across state lines, give back to the community on a daily basis, support each other’s set nights and party weekends on a daily basis and invest in each other's businesses. 

D Dirty and his beautiful wife Terrisa Teeboogie Thomas form a royal couple that is known and respected across the country for their commitment to each other, motorcycles and people in need.

A beloved barber with his own business, the highlight of any biker's day is an invitation to sip, smoke, politic, play pool and chill at their castle aka “The Dirty Boogie.”

A motivator.

A leader.

A worker.

A rider that will ride anywhere at any time …on a Sportbike!

A dancer and a roller skater.

Spirit, heart, soul, powerful.

He is going to speak his mind and tell it like it is whether you want to hear it or not.

He wants all of the responsibility.  He is a man that you can guarantee will get the work done.

Heart of absolute gold.

I love my VP with all my heart and soul.

Everybody loves D Dirty.

You can’t love D Dirty without loving 317 Ryders MC because D Dirty aka the Black Panther is 317 Ryders MC!

Celebrating 20 years of excellence in 317 Ryders MC today I reveal the identity of one of our strongest and most steadfast leaders Avery Cadillac OLiver’s Superhero identity is really the leader of the Autobots OPTIMUS PRIME!

For 13 years Cadillac has led 317 Ryders MC and protected the club from harm.  When you hear his voice, you hear the voice of Optimus Prime calling every member to do their job, to prepare, to work, to move, to ride and to win. Solid as a semi.  He transforms from stern disciplinarian to gigantic teddy bear in a blink of an eye. 

Former Club Sgt. At Arms and Vice President.

He is the man that when you are exhausted and tired in life or when riding your motorcycle on the road, you just fall back behind him, focus on his taillights and Cadillac will always guide you home.  Definition of friend.  Definition of brother.  First one at the club meeting and last one to leave.  When you quit, Cadillac is still working, fighting, winning.  Wisdom developed over the ages.  Huge heart that beats stronger than an engine.  I have put the most miles in riding side by side with this man.  I love Cadillac because although I am the President of the Club, he is my leader, and I would follow him anywhere at any time.  I put my faith in him because I know that he will never steer me wrong!

Celebrating 20 Years of excellence in 317 Ryders MC today I reveal the identity of 317 founder LaMarcus Rhem aka “Say My Name” aka “Markey” is really Superhero Rocket from Guardians of the Galaxy.  Quiet but omnipresent. Small but looms large in every single thing he does and says.  The firm consciousness of the club.  The consistent reminder of what the club should be, what it should look like and what it should feel like.  My other boss.  The man whose opinion matters because it is rarely given unless the issue is of the utmost importance.

When Markey speaks…I listen.

I admire the loyalty and steadfast commitment of this man. 

I love him and what he stands for.

Family first.

He loves and cares for his family.

He represents the City of Indianapolis.

He shows it with his actions.

He is a rider.

Catch him on any and every block and at any and every park during the summer.

Catch him in your city.

Wearing the freshest gear and shoes each every day.

He is a leader who leads from the back of the pack.

When I need it the most, he will pull me aside and tell me “Great job Prez!”

Coming from Say My Name those words mean everything.

This is his club that he founded, and I am blessed to be in it and be appointed to lead it.

I am thankful to know and call Say My Name my founder, brother, mentor and friend.

Why Rocket the raccoon?

Because when you watch Guardians of the Galaxy who is your favorite character that you want to see and hear from in every seen…Rocket.  Who is the Superhero that is going to hold the team together.

That’s Markey aka Say My Name reals superhero identity Rocket!

317 Ryders MC

Celebrating 20 years of excellence by revealing the identity of the man that started it all Bernard Johnson aka Big Sexy aka Kingpin!

My founder.  The man I call my boss.

But he is a Supervillain not a Superhero????

Every superhero needs a supervillain.

A bad guy whose focus and determination to rule the world at all costs is only checked by the caring loving heart of the superhero.


I love this man.  I love this man. I love this man.





A born leader.



Great father.


He built this organization to last a lifetime.  He had a dream, and I am living and loving that dream.

More than a club brother.  He is a mentor. As President of the club, I happily work to make him proud and carry forth his vision of greatness for 317 Ryders MC.

Be careful because every now and then superheroes and supervillains show up to do battle together as one against common enemies.

Don’t be that enemy.

My 317 Ryders MC Superhero of the Day is my President Juan Djwhip Pyle aka Captain America. 

A leader.

A true friend and brother.

A gentleman.

A father and grandfather.

A rider.

He is probably listening to an Angel’s problems in Heaven right now.  Doing it with a smile.

I love him and miss him every single day.

No Eagle has flown higher than DJ Whip.

We are celebrating 20 years of 317 Ryders MC this year because he gave 19 years of his life to this club and our 317 Ryders Foundation.

317 Ryders MC

Celebrating 20 marvelous of doing the impossible!

This year I will be celebrating my superhero motorcycle club brothers and sisters.  You may only see them in their alter ego form, but I witness each of them every day accomplish superhuman feats at home, work, in the community and of course on their motorcycles! 

Today, I start by revealing the superhero identity of my wife Mocha Lisa McMillian AKA Wonder Woman.

Her superpower is her fearlessness in the face of any obstacle or challenge.

She will ride a Sportbike to Canada, Florida, Mississippi.

She can drive a bus, dump truck or semi.

She is a trained CNA with a cure for whatever ails you.

She is an excellent mother and loving grandmother.

She is the absolute best wife in the World.

She is a leader.

When my World needs saving.  She is the first person that I call for help!

I love you Mocha Lisa aka Wonder Woman!

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